About Eckstein Middle School
Eckstein Middle School
3003 NE 75th Street
Seattle, WA 98115
Report a problem or problem solve issues
Visitor Protocol
The front doors of the building remain locked throughout the school days.
When arriving to the building, come to the doors on NE 75th Street, closest to 30th Avenue. We now have a doorbell located to right of these doors.
- The doorbell is located at the 75th Street entrance closest to 30th Avenue. When using the bell, please stand so that we can see your face through the camera.
- Adults dropping off items for students use the doorbell and come to the Main Office.
- Students leaving early must have a note/email/call to be released. Contact Attendance at 206-252-5014 or ecksteinms.attendance@seattleschools.org
- Parents picking up students early, please remain outside. Call Attendance 206-252-5014 or the Main Office 206-252-5010 to retrieve your child.
We strongly suggest you contact Attendance prior to picking up your child to avoid delays. - Adults with appointments with staff during the school day use the doorbell upon arrival with the name of the staff member then sign in at the main office first.
Nathan Eckstein Middle School
Eckstein Middle School serves northeast Seattle students in the 6th, 7th and 8th grades.
Our Mission
Eckstein Middle School, a diverse community of life long learners, will ensure the academic, social, and emotional growth and success of each student.
- Each student will be known, nurtured, and challenged.
- Each student will be given opportunities to actively engage in achieving their full potential.
- The school environment will foster creative problem solving.
- The school will provide an atmosphere to guide each student in becoming a healthy, confident, resilient, and responsible world citizen, prepared for high school and beyond.
Assurances to Students
- Your academic and social well-being will be at the core of all staff decisions.
- Your teachers will empower you to become leaders in the learning process, value your perseverance and creativity, and provide you with quality feedback.
- Your teachers will integrate technology within the curriculum preparing you for the 21st Century.
- You will benefit from teachers who collaborate to create lessons that will positively impact your achievement.
- You will benefit from staff who works to ensure an inclusive, safe, and supportive learning environment that honors individuality and encourages self-advocacy.
- You will benefit from a staff that values family, diversity, and community partnerships. Eckstein will strive to increase parent/guardian involvement.
- You will benefit from a staff that will communicate with the elementary and high schools to create smooth transitions.

Contact Us
3003 NE 75th Street
Seattle, WA 98115
Main Office: 206-252-5010
Fax: 206-252-5011

Kristin Rose
8th Grade Administrator
Michael Weyers
6th Grade Administrator
Berna Cristobal
7th Grade Administrator
Derek Grandbois
Main Office
Kattie Jones, Administrative Secretary
Julia Detering, Assistant Secretary
Katy Ryan
Jessica Tai