Eckstein Middle School

Middle School


Attendance at Eckstein

Contact Attendance
Attendance Office: 206-252-5014

Eckstein Middle School Attendance Policy

District Letter on State Compulsory School Attendance law
SPS Attendance Policy

Students Absent From School – Unplanned

Phone: 206-252-5014

To excuse absences a parent/guardian must contact Attendance in the morning of the absence.
Let us know:

  • Student’s name
  • Parent/guardian calling
  • Reason for the absence

Absences can be excused up to 2 days following the absence with a signed written note from a parent or guardian. A parent’s request to “excuse my child’s absence” without a stated valid reason or with a reason that does not meet the criteria for excused absences will result in the child’s absence remaining unexcused.

These are Valid Excuses for absences but still we need a note, email, or phone call from parent/guardian.

  • Student’s personal illness or injury
  • Illness, injury or death of a family member, prevents the student from attending school
  • Funeral attendance – Up to five days of a trip to attend a funeral for a family member may be excused
  • Religious holiday

These reasons are Not Valid Excuses for absences even if student brings a note or a parent calls.

  • Bad Traffic/car trouble/missed bus
  • Just couldn’t get to school
  • Needed to get homework/paper done
  • On a wait list for another school assignment
  • Parent conflicts with school staff

Students Absent From School – Planned

Vacations – Eckstein strives to preserve instructional time for our students and teachers. While a student can make up assignments, there is no substitute for the classroom experience. We encourage families to arrange vacations during scheduled school vacations and holidays. If a student must miss school for a vacation, parents must complete the “Pre-Planned Absence Form” and submit it to the Attendance Office.
Please have your student pick up a Pre-Planned Absence form from the Attendance Office.

It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with teachers prior to the trip to make arrangements for work. Very often teachers will refer the student to Schoology for the days’ work. Upon return, the student is responsible for submitting missing work in a timely way agreed to by the specific teacher.

Participating in Sports Tournament – Parent must notify school by email, note or phone prior to the absence.

Students Arriving to School Late

Students must check in at the attendance office first when they arrive late to school.  At the attendance office they will receive a pass to go to class.

Showing up to class everyday on time helps students on their path to success in middle school. Understanding the importance of good attendance will help them in high school, college and at work in the future.

To Excuse a Late Arrival:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 206-252-5014
  • Note with the following information:
    • Student’s name
    • Parent/Guardian’s name
    • Relationship to the student
    • Day and time you need your student released
    • Reason for the late

Why Tardiness Hurts Students

  • Late students disrupt the class
  • Student misses valuable class time
  • In high school & college being late can cause grade penalties
  • In the work force being late can cause termination

Tardy Policy
Tardy students must check in at the Attendance Office when they arrive to school.

These are Valid Excuses for tardiness but we still need a note, email, or phone call from parent/guardian

  • Medical/dental appointment
  • Personal illness, illness of family member
  • School bus late
  • Family emergency
  • High school tours

These excuses are Not Valid Excuses for tardiness even if student brings a note or a parent calls or emails.

  • My alarm clock broke, wasn’t set, didn’t go off
  • My parent’s alarm clock broke, wasn’t set, didn’t go off
  • I overslept
  • My parent overslept
  • The Metro bus was late or didn’t stop
  • Bad traffic
  • Car wouldn’t start
  • Running late
  • I missed my school bus or Metro bus

A parent’s request to “excuse my child’s tardiness” without a stated valid reason or with a reason that does not meet the criteria for excused tardiness will result in the child’s tardy remaining unexcused.

Leaving School Early

When you need to take your student out of class before school is over please notify the attendance office by email, phone or written signed note Before the early dismissal.

Students leaving school early will receive an Early Dismissal. Students must check out in the Attendance office before exiting the school.

  • Email:
  • Phone: 206-252-5014
  • Note with the following information:
    • Student’s name
    • Parent/Guardian’s name
    • Relationship to the student
    • Day and time you need your student released
    • Reason for the dismissal


  • Attendance received email, phone call or note
  • Student gets an Early Dismissal slip during the period closest to the dismissal
  • Student comes to Attendance at the appropriate time
  • Parent/Guardian calls Attendance at 206-252-5014 or the Main Office at 206-252-5010
  • Student is released to parent/guardian

Please note: Non-SPS adults are no longer allowed in school buildings.

These are Valid Excuses for early dismissal.

  • Medical/dental appointment
  • Personal illness, illness of family member
  • Illness at school – Students feeling ill must check in with the nurse to be excused. The nurse will contact a guardian if the student is to be released.

Parents or guardians must expect and encourage their children to attend school. When parents/guardians fail to comply with the Compulsory Attendance law by allowing or encouraging their children to stay home or skip school, the parents/guardians may also be subject to a truancy petition filed with Superior Court. If you have already told your child that you expect him/her to go to school, but he/she refuses to do this, there are several things you can explore to determine if there is a reason for your child’s refusal to attend school.

  • Consider whether your child is afraid to attend school or is being bullied at school. Notify the school if this is so.
  • Consider whether your child is progressing normally in an academic setting or could use tutoring or an alternative setting to learn. Students who are falling behind academically may feel uncomfortable about their school experience and try to avoid it by skipping classes. Talk with your child’s teachers to determine ways to help your child feel good about school.
  • Consider whether medical, mental, or emotional issues are preventing your child from being able to attend school. It may be appropriate to take your child to get a physical or counseling.
  • Consider whether your child’s behavior suggests he/she is abusing drugs or alcohol. If so, seek help from an approved substance abuse provider to work with your child.
  • Consider whether your child’s friends and peers are exerting negative influences on his/her behavior, and work with your child to make choices in his/her behavior and friends that are consistent with your family values.
  • Consider whether your child gets enough sleep and adequate nutrition. If he/she is staying out late on school nights or staying up late to play video games, adjust your child’s bedtime schedule so he/she gets adequate sleep and gets up in time to have breakfast. You may need to take away your child’s phone at night to ensure that it is not being used when he/she should be sleeping.