Eckstein Middle School

Middle School

Registrar’s Office

Eckstein Middle School Registrar’s Office


Electives Change Form is Now Available

Elective change requests can be submitted online starting today, 9/9/24, and are due Wednesday, 9/11, 4 PM. Requests after this deadline will not be considered. All changes previously submitted by email must be requested through this form.

The Registrar will not consider email to be a substitute for this form. 

Please review these important notes:

  • Eckstein’s master schedule is very complex and elective choices are not guaranteed. 
  • Every attempt has been made to honor students’ course request forms filled out in the Spring of 2024. However, it is not always possible to schedule all students in their requested electives due to class sizes, availability, and other variables. 
  • We prioritize the scheduling of core academic classes to ensure that all students are in the appropriate required courses. You may be placed in electives that you did not request due to these reasons.
  • We cannot accommodate teacher choice, teacher preference, changing electives to move to a different lunch, or be with friends, . These types of requests will be denied and not considered.
  • Please be patient as it may take a few days to process requests. We will notify you if we are able to make the change. Submitting this form does not mean a change will be made.
  • Incomplete requests will not be processed.

Registration Information

Students can log-in and find instructions here for accessing the Source

  1. Please remember that Eckstein’s master schedule is very complex and elective choices are not guaranteed.  Please know that every attempt has been made to honor students’ course request forms filled out in the Spring. However, it is not always possible to schedule all students in their requested classes, due to class sizes or availability, and other variables.  We prioritize the scheduling of core academic classes to ensure that all students are in the appropriate courses. We cannot accommodate teacher choice. We do our best to honor elective choices when possible.  We are currently sitting around 55 students over our school’s projections, which means very full classes with limited ability for schedule changes.
  2. Our Eckstein schedule change process will go as follows:
    • Sept. 4-6: During the first week of school, we are only processing schedule changes for students who do not have a full schedule (e.g. missing a class) and have mistakes to their core classes (e.g. student is in 8th grade and is registered for 7th grade courses)
    • Sept. 9-17: Starting the second week of school, we will be taking in requests for elective changes. This form will be shared with you next Monday. Please note that we will not take schedule change requests for the following reasons: wanting a class with a friend, desiring a different lunch, wanting to switch teachers, not liking the electives you were scheduled into. Elective change requests are not guaranteed due to availability and class sizes, as above.
  3. A specific note about Spanish 1 – Not all students who prioritized Spanish 1 during elective registration were scheduled into the course.  Spanish 1 and 2 are currently at full capacity.  If your student did not get scheduled into Spanish 1 in 7th grade, they will be prioritized into the course as 8th grade students.  Students WILL be able to make it through the full progression of SPS offered Spanish if they start World Language in the 8th grade.
  4. Schedules will be in flux through September 3rd, so please note that schedules may change between when students check the Source on September 3rd and when they arrive to Home Room on September 4.
  5. If you know that your student will not be attending Eckstein, please let Ms. Tai know as soon as possible by emailing her at so that we can process the student withdrawal. 

Student Schedules and Schedule Changes

When to Request a Change

If you have schedule change requests, please see the timeline below:

Keep in mind, schedule changes will need to be processed so you may not see the requested changes for a few days. Please be patient.

  • Sept. 4-6, 2024: First week of school is only for non-elective changes (e.g. mistakes to core classes)
  • Sept. 9-17, 2024: Starting 2nd week of school, students will be able to request changes for electives. 9/17 is the 10th day of semester. Requests must be submitted digitally in a Microsoft form.​

Restrictions to Schedule Changes and Requests

Please keep in mind that Eckstein’s schedule is intricate, and elective choices are not guaranteed. We prioritize core academic classes to ensure students are in appropriate courses. Teacher choice requests cannot be accommodated. We make every effort to honor elective choices when possible.

If you email your request to the registrar, you will be redirected to complete the Schedule Change Request form. Requests are processed in the order they are received, but please note that not all requests are granted or guaranteed. We allow the following types of schedule changes if seats are available and they fit your schedule:

  • Medical reasoning to rearrange schedule
  • IEP, ELL, 504, or similar program services needing to be added or removed
  • Change of Elective
  • Admin approved changes

We do not approve requests for teacher changes, to be with friends, for different lunch periods, or to swap to a different period of the same class; such requests will be denied. If you have more significant concerns involving another student, teacher, or another reason, please speak with one of our Administrators. Changes will be determined after a discussion.

Please be patient as it may take a few days to process requests. We will notify you whether or not the change can be accommodated.

How to Request a Schedule Change

The Schedule Change Request form will be posted shortly.
If you have schedule change requests, please see the timeline below:

Keep in mind, schedule changes will need to be processed so you may not see the requested changes for a few days. Please be patient.

Sept. 4-6, 2024: First week of school is only for non-elective changes (e.g. mistakes to core classes)

Sept. 9-17, 2024: Starting 2nd week of school, students will be able to request changes for electives. 9/17 is the 10th day of semester. Requests must be submitted digitally in a Microsoft form.​

Records Requests

Parents Requesting Records

Typically, schools are responsible for requesting records for incoming transfer students. If possible, please direct the school to our registrar Jessica Tai at and/or send them the directions below for “Schools requesting Records.”

If that option is unavailable, and Eckstein is the current or last school your student attended, kindly send your records request to our registrar Jessica Tai at, including the following information:

  • Student’s Full Name
  • ID Number (if known)
  • Date of Birth
  • Purpose of Records Request

You may also fax your requests to 206-252-5011, Attention: Records Request

Schools Requesting Records

Seattle Public Schools does not use the OSPI Student Records eXchange.

Please submit requests online if you are from a school or school district in need of records for a former Seattle Public Schools student, using our Online Student Records Request System, K-12 Transfer. Fax, phone calls, emails, and mail requests are no longer accepted.

  • For students with significant health concerns, work with their medical provider or the nurse at the current school for information sharing.
  • Families needing a certificate of immunization should create an account on to access immunization records.
  • Note: Birth Certificates will not be provided.

Need Help? See Guidance on Using SPS’s Online Student Records Request System

If you are a current student, former student, college or verification company, please reference the Student Records page for more information about requesting records.

Private School Recommendation Process

  • Application requests are due by Friday, December 6, 2024.  
  • We cannot guarantee that requests will be completed if your request is submitted after this deadline.  
  • Please plan and think about what the application requires and provide enough time for teachers and staff to get the required recommendations and evaluations. 
  • It will be at the teachers’ discretion if they have time to provide the requested documents for private school applications. Please have alternate teachers in mind. As noted below, please ask your student to talk to their teacher prior to submitting a request. Teacher emails can be found in our Staff Directory or by logging into your Source Page. 
  • If your private school application has a cover page or information that needs to be filled out by the applicant, please fill out student information prior to sending it to the Registrar. The registrar will send back these requests, and this may delay your application. 
  • There is no fee for processing transcripts. 

ShapeProcess for Electronic Applications (Ravenna, Veracross, etc.)

Document in Application Staff Member to Receive Document
Records and Transcript Requests Jessica Tai, Registrar 
Puget Sound Independent Schools (PSIS) Form The Student’s Grade Level Counselor: 
6th Grade- Reema Ziadeh   

7th Grade- Bryan Manzo  

8th Grade- Michael Hoff   
Teacher Recommendation Teachers request that students ask them personally before sending the recommendation request.
Typically, Language Arts, Math, and World Language teachers are requested in the application but please review the directions from the private school as other subject area teachers may be included. 
Teacher Evaluation Choose one (1) of the student’s teachers to be the evaluation teacher. 
  • Give the form to that teacher’s email only. 
  • Your student must ask their chosen teacher in person before you submit a request.
  • If teachers are not asked by the student to fill out the recommendation information, they will not comply.  

Process for Paper or PDF Applications:

In cases where private schools require paper or PDF applications, please follow these steps:

  1. Bring the packet with the first page completed to the Main Office for the Registrar to process. Registrar will process all forms needed and will disperse Teacher Recommendations and Evaluations.
  2. We will send a confirmation email upon completion of the application being emailed to the respective private schools. 
  3. If an application must be mailed, you must provide an addressed envelope with postage for each school you have marked to receive applications. If no postage is provided, the document will be emailed to the respective schools. 

PE Waiver 2024-25

PE is a WA State Requirement: The WA State Legislature mandates that students in grades 1-8 participate in at least 100 minutes of weekly PE classes (equivalent to 60 hours per 0.5 semester credit) unless they qualify for a waiver. Please note that SPS does not endorse PE Waivers (Reference: RCW 28A.230.040). 

Valid Reasons for PE Waivers: Students may be excused from the PE instruction requirement for the following reasons: 

  1. Physical Disability (6, 7, 8 grades) 
  1. Religious Belief (6, 7, 8 grades) 
  1. Participation in Directed Athletics (7, 8 grades only) 

PE Waiver Request Deadline: The deadline for submitting the PE Waiver Request Form is December 2, 2024

How to Submit the Form: You can submit the form by emailing the completed PDF to or dropping it off a hard copy in the Main Office. The form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian with required documentation attached.  

Important Notes 

  • Please note that PE is mandated by the WA state legislature. Our obligation at Eckstein is to ensure that the PE requirement is met with fidelity and when PE is requested to be waived, that we have documentation to back up a waiver. This is why Eckstein requires documentation. 
  • Submitting a PE waiver request does not guarantee an exemption from PE, especially when students have room in their schedules for a PE class. Waivers may be denied. 
  • Many of our waivers from 7th and 8th graders are due opting out for the “Directed Athletics” reason (#3). To choose this option, you must provide a verification letter from the coach confirming your student’s participation in directed athletics or detail the hours spent in the logs on the form. Screenshots of practice schedules are also acceptable supporting documentation—please include these with your waiver submission. Confirmation or receipts of sports registrations are also accepted as documentation. 
  • The total number of hours must equal or exceed 60 hours, and these hours must be accrued during the current school year. You can submit the form based on your intention of participation (with accompanying verification documentation), and adjustments can be made later if needed. 
  • Verification from a physician, religious leader, coach, instructor, or parent/guardian must be attached to the PE waiver request and submitted to Ms. Tai at or dropped off in Main Office by December 2, 2024
  • Missing the deadline or not submitting your PE waiver with the required documentation will result in your student being scheduled for PE during the second semester in place of another chosen elective. 


Why is the PE waiver deadline so early?  

In order to provide a full schedule and ensure that students have the correct electives and courses in place for semester 2, the registrar needs PE waivers and documentation with enough time to process requests and adjust schedules as needed.  

What if my student has directed athletics in winter 2024 and spring 2025? How do I submit a verification of those activities when the form is due in December?  

For winter athletics like basketball or skiing, you may provide practice schedule screenshots, registration confirmation for the season, and other documentation that confirms your student’s participation in winter and spring sports. Many directed athletics programs have registration well before the winter and spring season and these registration confirmations can serve as verification of participation. If your child is participating in spring 2025 Eckstein athletics like track and ultimate frisbee, please provide that intent in the PE waiver form and submit that verification once you have a confirmed registration for those Eckstein teams. 

Can I opt out of PE as a 6th grader if my student is doing an outside sport?  

Opting out for directed sports is typically ronly considered for for 7th and 8th graders. 6th graders are required to have one semester of PE.  

I’m confused about what PE is called in 7th and 8th grades. Can you explain the different PE courses at Eckstein? 

PE is called Team Sports in 7th and 8th grades. It is called PE in 6th grade. Some students may be enrolled in PE Partners in some specific situations.  

I submitted a form before this message came out. What do I do now?  

Please resubmit your PE waiver. The waiver form on our website has been updated to reflect the current year, updated policy, and information for this school year. You may append any coach verification letters from your old form to the new form.  

Who do I contact if I have questions about the form and other concerns about PE?  

Please contact Ms. Tai by email at Email is the best way to communicate with the registrar.  

Will I receive a confirmation that my form was received?  

If your PE waiver form and required documentation are complete, you will not receive a confirmation email. You will only receive a follow up email if the registrar has follow up questions.  Please check that all of your forms and documentation are complete prior to submission. 

What if I applied for a waiver but I still see my student is scheduled for PE?  

We cannot guarantee that a waiver will be granted. If your student has PE on their schedule even after you requested a waiver, this means that your student’s schedule was reviewed and adjustments could not be accommodated. Please know that every attempt will be made to honor your request. However, because our master schedule is complex and we have little wiggle room to make changes, your student may still be scheduled for PE to avoid overloads in our core classes and to meet the needs of all of our students.