Course Catalog and Electives
Course Catalog
On this page you will find descriptions of the courses projected to be offered at Eckstein. This is not a static page; We will add and or delete courses as we grow to meet the needs of the incoming students.
The following Course Catalog contains prospective course information listed by department.
Elective Requests
Please visit the Main Registrar page for more information on how to request electives for 2025-2026.
Fine Arts Requirement for All Grades
Important Changes for all students, grades 6-8, in 2025-2026
Every student will be required to take one (1) semester of Fine Arts for each year of middle school, per Washington State mandate (Senate Bill 5878). Students may fulfill this requirement by taking music (choir, band, jazz band, vocal jazz, guitar), theater, visual arts, or ceramics. This is a Washington State requirement.
2024-2025 for 6th Grade
For 2024-2025, 6th grade students are required to take at least one (1) semester of a visual or performing arts course each year.
Fine Arts Notes
As you look through the course catalog, any course with “MFA” in the course ID would fill the art requirement. The minimum is one semester, and you will notice some classes that fill the requirement last for a full year.
Core Classes and Homeroom Descriptions
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There are no Advanced Learning opportunities in Language Arts
Language Arts 6A+6B | Required for 6th Grade | Year-Long
English Language Arts 6 is a year-long course that provides a foundation for middle school Language Arts by emphasizing close reading, writing, and speaking in a formal style. Focusing on literary analysis and research from multiple sources, students study genres and types of texts at the 6th grade level increasing in complexity.
Language Arts 7A+7B | Required for 7th Grade | Year-Long
English Language Arts 7 is a year-long course which prepares students to deepen their craft through the analysis and understanding required for successful reading, writing, speaking, listening, and critical thinking skills, using of a variety of 7th grade texts.
Language Arts 8A+8B | Required for 8th Grade | Year-Long
English Language Arts 8 is a yearlong course which provides students with a rigorous foundation of skills for English in high school and beyond. This course refines skills in reading, writing, language, speaking and listening.
There are no Advanced Learning opportunities in Science
Science 6A+6B | Required for 6th Grade | Year-Long
In this course, students will focus on nine units: Microbiome; Metabolism; Engineering Internship Metabolism; Thermal Energy; Ocean Atmosphere and Climate; Weather Patterns; Earth’s Changing Climate; Engineering Internship: Earth’s Changing Climate, and Earth, Moon, Sun.
Students will refine their science and engineering skills within the context of an engaging storyline to explain a phenomenon.
Science 7A+7B | Required for 7th Grade | Year-Long
In this course, students will focus on nine units: Geology on Mars, Plate Motion; Engineering Internships: Plate Motion; Rock Transformations; Phase Change; Engineering Internship: Phase Change; Chemical Reactions; Populations and Resources; Matter and Energy in Ecosystems.
Students will refine their science and engineering skills within the context of an engaging storyline to explain a phenomenon.
Science 8A+ 8B | Required for 8th Grade | Year-Long
In this course, students will focus on nine units: Harnessing Human Energy, Force and Motion, Force and Motion; Engineering Internship, Magnetic Fields, Light Waves, Earth, Moon and Sun, Natural Selection, Engineering Internship: Natural Selection, Evolutionary History.
Students will refine their science and engineering skills within the context of an engaging storyline to explain a phenomenon.
There are no Advanced Learning opportunities in Social Studies
World History 6A+6B | Required for 6th Grade | Year-Long
In sixth grade, students are ready to deepen their understanding of the Earth and its peoples through the study of history, geography, politics, culture, and economic systems. The recommended context for social studies learning in sixth grade is world history and geography. Students begin their examination of the world by exploring the location, place, and spatial organization of the world’s major regions.
Washington State History 7A+7B | Required for 7th Grade | Year-Long
Satisfies core concepts and ideas in civics, economics, geography and the history of the Pacific Northwest, including the Salish Sea, its geographic and tribal regions, and the cultures and civilizations of the first peoples of this land, from time immemorial to first contact with Europeans, as outlined in state social studies standards and Since Time Immemorial state curriculum outcomes.
Washington State History is a graduation requirement for SPS.
US History 8A+8B | Required for 8th Grade | Year-Long
In U.S. History, students develop a new, more abstract level of understanding of social studies concepts. The recommended context for developing this understanding is U.S. history and government, 1776 to 1877. Students explore the ideas, issues, and events from the framing of the Constitution through Reconstruction. After reviewing the founding of the United States and the Constitution, students explore the development of politics, society, culture, and economy in the United States to deepen conceptual understandings in civics, geography, and economics.
Math Placement is determined by last course completed. SPS does not accept teacher or parent recommendations/requests to skip any level of math. There are no placement tests to determine a student’s placement. There is no skipping ahead in Math even with AL or HCC designation per district protocol. No exceptions.
Seattle Schools Math Progression in Full Detail
Math Course Progression FAQ
Math classes at Eckstein are mixed grade level. This means that a student above grade level will be in class with students working at their own grade level. (6th graders in Math 8 will see 8th graders as well.)
Mathematics 6A+6B | Required after taking Math 5 | Year-Long
Students complete understanding of dividing fractions; study the rational number system; and write, interpret, and use expressions and equations.
Mathematics 7A+7B | Required after taking Math 6 | Year-Long
Students develop understanding of operations with rational numbers and proportional relationships; apply proportional relationships; and work with expressions.
Mathematics 7/8 Compacted A+B | 7th Grader Acceleration pathway after taking Math 6 | Year-Long
Math 7/8 Compacted A prepares 7th grade students to take Algebra 1 in 8th by compacting the content of Math 7 and Math 8 into one year. Students develop understanding of operations with rational numbers and proportional relationships; apply proportional relationships; work with irrational numbers, radicals and integer exponents; and work with expressions, linear equations and inequalities. Only open to 7th grade students who have not otherwise been accelerated above grade-level in Math. Placement into this course was determined in January 2022.
Mathematics 8A+8B | Required after taking Math 7 | Year-Long
Students will reason about expressions and equations, including modeling bivariate data and solving linear equations; use functions to describe quantitative relationships; and work with irrational numbers, radicals and integer exponents.
Algebra A+B | Required after taking Math 8 or 7/8 Compacted | Year-Long
Algebra is a full year, high school level course. Students model and analyze real-world and mathematical situations using linear and exponential equations and functions. Students will receive high school credit on their transcript for this course.
Geometry A+B | Required after Algebra – Year-Long
Geometry is a full year, high school level course. Students formalize their understanding of angle relationships and triangle properties. Students use geometric transformations and formal constructions to study congruence and similarity. Students develop formal proofs of angle and triangle properties and relationships using precise language and notation. Students will receive high school credit on their transcript for this course.
Special Education Multi-Lingual/ELL Information
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Students with Individualized Learning Plans (IEP’s) have schedules determined by their IEPs. Enrollment in specific courses is determined by each student’s case manager.
Depending on the types of “SDI minutes” need to fulfill a student’s IEP, they may be enrolled in one or more of the following courses.
- Life Skills
- Communication Skills (ELA)
- Math Skills
- Gen Study Skills
- Reading Skills
- PE- Modified
- Special Ed Homeroom or Homeroom with Case Manager
Learn more about SPS Special Education Placement and Service Types
Eckstein’s vision is that ELL students are all of our students and that they positively contribute to the classroom environment. After all, students from all over the world come to study with us!
- We implement both sheltered instruction (ESL classes) and inclusion for Language Arts (LA) and Social Studies/History.
- Students are placed in ESL classes if they are new to the country and in a Reading Support Class if they have been in the US five years or longer.
- Level 5 students are also supported through Reading Support Class when needed.
- In ESL class, students will develop their English language skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking by using the Inside: Language, Literacy, and Content curriculum. Our focus is on vocabulary, reading strategies, comprehension and critical thinking, literary analysis, oral and written grammar and sentence structure, listening comprehension and writing strategies.• Some students will be working in Level B (reading level 2.0 to 3.5), some in Level C (reading level 3.5 to 5.0), and others in Level D (reading level 4.5 to 6.0).
- Our first goal is for all students to increase their reading levels by two years by June. Our second goal is that they will be able to write a three to five-paragraph essay independently by June.
- Since we also work with students during their regular Language Arts, Social Studies, Math and Science classes, some of the ESL class time will be devoted to re-teaching or practicing skills taught in those classes.
- It is important for our students to learn to work independently and to learn to ask questions if they are unsure what to do.
Elective Descriptions
These are the electives we offer at Eckstein.
Please visit the main Registrar page for more information about the elective request process. Read more about Elective Registration Process.
Watch these videos made by our elective teachers to learn more about our electives!
Use the + symbols to expand each department.
Visual Arts Beg MFA8519
- Semester-Long
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Welcome to Visual Arts Beginning! Spark your imagination while exploring and experimenting with drawing, painting, sculpture, and more in a supportive community of creative learners. Express, celebrate, and reflect on your unique perspective, ideas, culture, and feelings with individual and group projects while using the Elements of Art and Principals of Design. No previous experience necessary. All students are welcome.
Ceramics Beginning MFA8403
- Semester-Long
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Do you like working with your hands and building things? In Ceramics Beginning, you will create a variety of projects using hand building techniques such as pinch, coil, slab, sculpting, and possibly how to “throw” clay on the pottery wheel. Experiment with different ways to add color and decoration to your projects which may include cups, plates, vases, pitchers, spoons, monsters, and more. Collaborate with others while managing the studio and caring for the materials, tools, and equipment. No previous experience necessary. All students are welcome. This course may be repeated.
Visual Arts Adv MFA8520
- Semester-Long
- Grade: 7, 8
- Prerequisite: Visual Arts Beginning or prior experience
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Grow your creativity and artistic skills while expressing yourself in Visual Arts Advanced! Reflect on life experiences, community, and culture while creating individual and group projects that empower you to communicate your ideas, feelings, and unique perspective. Expand your understandings of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design by creating 2D and 3D projects that may involve drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, clay, and paper mâché. This course may be repeated.
Ceramics Advanced MFA8404
- Semester-Long
- Grade: 7, 8
- Prerequisite: Ceramics Beginning or prior experience.
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Welcome to Ceramics Advanced! Express yourself while experimenting with advanced hand building techniques and possibly “throwing” clay on the pottery wheel. Explore, design, and refine how you add color and detail to your creations. Use your experiences and knowledge to celebrate and communicate your ideas, unique perspective, and culture through your art. Collaborate with others while managing the studio and caring for materials, tools, and equipment. This course may be repeated.
Band Director: Moc “Mr. E” Escobedo-
Introductory Band MFA8509
- Year-Long
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Welcome to Introductory Band! This course is for students who want to learn a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument such as flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, snare drum, and more. Come join a welcoming community committed to building lasting relationships where all learners succeed. You will learn instrumental technique, musicianship, and perform many styles of music. No previous experience necessary. All students are welcome. This course may be repeated.
Premier Band MFA8513
- Year-Long
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: 1 year experience necessary
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Continue to develop new skills on your band instrument! Premiere Band is a year-long course for students who have had at least one year of experience. Continue to grow your confidence and musicianship through performing fun, engaging music from a variety of genres, cultures, and styles, while building lasting relationships as part of a band ensemble. This course may be repeated
Intermediate Band MFA8436
- Year-Long
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: 1+ years’ experience necessary
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Welcome to Intermediate Band! This year-long course is for students who have multiple years of experience on any woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument. Be part of a welcoming community committed to building lasting relationships through performing in school concerts and traveling to regional festivals. You will continue to build upon instrumental techniques and musicianship through the performance of many styles of instrumental music. This course may be repeated.
Concert Band MFA8407
- Year-Long
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: 1+ years’ experience necessary
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Welcome to Concert Band! This is an advanced, year-long course for students who play woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. Continue to build upon your personal musicality and technique in a supportive community. In Concert Band you will play a wide variety of music from different cultures and time periods – past and present – while performing in school concerts and regional festivals. This course may be repeated.
Intermediate Jazz – also known as Jazz Band A MFA8511
- Year-Long
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: 1+ years’ experience necessary
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Expand your musicianship in Jazz Band! This is an advanced, year-long small ensemble for instrumentalists with an interest in jazz music who have at least one year of experience. Learn about various jazz styles and concepts, including improvisation and jazz theory. Build lasting relationships through performing in school and community concerts and traveling to regional festivals. This course may be repeated.
Senior Jazz – also known as Jazz Band B MFA8512
- Year-Long
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: 1+ years’ experience necessary
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Expand your musicianship in Jazz Band! This is an advanced, year-long small ensemble for instrumentalists with an interest in jazz music who have at least one year of experience. Learn about various jazz styles and concepts, including improvisation and jazz theory. Build lasting relationships through performing in school and community concerts and traveling to regional festivals. This course may be repeated.
Choral Director: Ellie Kok-
Introductory Choir MFA8507
- Year-Long
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Welcome to Introductory Choir! Join a welcoming community for those who like to sing and are interested in finding their voice. Build skills in vocal technique, musicianship, and perform fun, engaging choral music from a variety of genres, cultures, and styles while developing lasting relationships with others. No previous experience necessary. All students are welcome. This course may be repeated.
Intermediate Choir MFA8429
- Year-Long
- Grade: 7, 8
- Prerequisite: 1 year experience necessary
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Continue to develop your singing skills in choir! Intermediate Choir is a year-long ensemble for students who have had one year of choral experience. Expand your vocal and musicianship skills through performing fun, engaging music from a variety of genres, cultures, and styles, while building lasting relationships with other singers through performing in school concerts and traveling to regional festivals. All students are welcome.
Vocal Jazz MFA8521
- Year-Long
- Grade: 7, 8
- Prerequisite: 1 year experience necessary
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Welcome to Vocal Jazz! Vocal Jazz is a small mixed-voices ensemble for singers with an interest in jazz music who have multiple years of choral experience. Learn about various jazz styles and concepts, including improvisation and jazz theory, and sing with a rhythm section. Build lasting relationships through performing in school and community concerts and traveling to regional festivals. This course may be repeated.
Computer Tech A
- Semester-Long
- Grade: 6
- Prerequisite: None. This is a required course.
- Repeats Allowed: No
- This semester-long course introduces essential computer applications, skills, and concepts. Coursework includes application of Microsoft Office tools; introduction to hardware/software, file structure and management, introduction to digital safety and security; exploration of basic video production.
Computer Sci Tech C MPC6423
- Semester-Long
- Grade: 7, 8
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- A semester long exploration of computer science and technology that emphasizes problem web development and application development. No prerequisites.
Computer Sci Tech D MPC6424
- Semester-Long
- Grade: 7, 8
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- A semester long exploration of computer science and technology that emphasizes robotics, hardware and networking. No prerequisites
STEM Innovation Lab A MPC5880
- Semester-Long
- Grade: 7, 8
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: No. Allowed once per middle school.
- A semester long survey course where students explore different STEM activities. This course is project based. Students may explore programming, robotics, game design & circuits. No prerequisites.
STEM Innovation Lab B MPC5881
- Semester-Long
- Grade: 7, 8
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- A semester long exploration of the design process that emphasizes 2D, 3D design & printing, animation/film making & CAD design, No prerequisites.
Leadership A– also known as Student Government A MSS9579
- Semester-Long
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Leadership A is a one semester class open to responsible, service minded 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students wishing to make a difference at Eckstein Middle School. Students will learn about important characteristics of leaders and how to develop those same characteristics in themselves. Class will use the Character Strong curriculum.
Leadership B– also known as Student Government B MSS9628
- Semester-Long and Year-Long
- Grade: 7, 8
- Prerequisite: Completion of Leadership A, and Interest Form, or student elected officer
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Pre-requisite: Leadership A. Leadership B is a semester-long or full-year class open to responsible, service minded 7th and 8th grade students wishing to make a difference at Eckstein Middle School and elected ASB officers. Students will apply the characteristics of leaders and how to develop those same characteristics in themselves, using the Character Strong curriculum. Leadership B students will be responsible for designing and executing projects and activities that benefit the student body at Eckstein. Examples of these activities could be lunchtime basketball tournaments, Spirit Weeks, assemblies, dances and other student activities that foster an environment of inclusion. Many of these endeavors require a strong work ethic, the ability to work successfully as a group, and public speaking techniques. Students who are interested in developing their character & bringing new ideas to Eckstein are invited to join Leadership. Class can be repeated.
Orchestra and Strings Director: Angie Kong –
Guitar Lab 1 MFA8418
- Semester-Long or Year-Long
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Turn your dreams of being a guitar player into a reality! In Guitar Lab 1 you will learn skills and techniques to play various styles of guitar music. No previous experience necessary. All students are welcome. This course may be repeated.
Introductory Orchestra MFA8505
- Year-Long
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Discover the expressive world of string instruments! Introductory Orchestra is for students who want to learn the violin, viola, cello, or string bass. Come join a welcoming community set on building lasting relationships where all learners succeed. You will learn different skills on your instrument through exciting styles of orchestra music. No previous experience necessary. All students are welcome. This course may be repeated.
Premier Orchestra MFA8515
- Year-Long
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: 1 year experience necessary
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Continue to develop new skills on your string instrument! Premier Orchestra is a year-long course for students who have had at least one year of experience on the violin, viola, cello, or string bass. Come join a welcoming community set on building lasting relationships where you learn new instrumental techniques and musicianship through a wide variety of musical styles. This course may be repeated.
Intermed Orchestra MFA8438
- Year-Long
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: 1+ years’ experience necessary
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Welcome to Intermediate Orchestra! This yearlong course is for students who have multiple years of experience on violin, viola, cello, or string bass. Be part of a welcoming community and build lasting relationships through performing in school concerts and traveling to regional festivals. Continue to expand your instrumental technique, musicianship, and perform many styles of music. This course may be repeated.
Concert Orchestra MFA8411
- Year-Long
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: 1+ years’ experience necessary
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Continue to build upon your personal musicality and technique in a supportive community! Concert Orchestra is an advanced, year-long course for students who play violin, viola, cello and string bass. In Concert Orchestra you will play a wide variety of music from different cultures and time periods – past and present – and perform in school concerts and regional festivals. This course may be repeated.
Students are required by state law to take at least 1 semester of physical education each school year. 7th and 8th graders may submit a PE Waiver and if approved, will be excused from the PE requirement. PLEASE NOTE: 6th graders are not typically able to waive PE. PE for 7th and 8th graders is called “Team Sports.”
Physical Education MPE8016
- Semester-Long or Year-Long. Minimum of one semester OR a PE Waiver is required to fulfill state requirement.
- Grade: 6
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- This semester-long course is designed to develop and educate students on the importance of health and fitness, giving the tools to achieve and maintain optimum health and fitness. Individual fitness levels are measured in the beginning and the end of the Semester. Developmentally appropriate sports and activities are taught to increase strength, coordination, skills and fitness. Seattle Public Schools is in its 9th year of implementing the Five for Life Physical Education Curriculum. We use this curriculum in our Physical Education classes at Eckstein. Our program incorporates traditional aspects of Physical Education (development of fitness, motor skills, and social/emotional well-being). Students will be continually encouraged to reflect on the value of their own health and fitness, as well as to act to maximize both in and out of class. The Physical Education Staff at Eckstein are excited about presenting this program to our students
Team Sports MPE8423
- Semester-Long or Year-Long. Minimum of one semester OR a PE Waiver is required to fulfill state requirement.
- Grade: 7, 8
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- This semester-long course is designed to develop and educate students on the importance of health and fitness, giving the tools to achieve and maintain optimum health and fitness. Individual fitness levels are measured in the beginning and the end of the Semester. Developmentally appropriate sports and activities are taught to increase strength, coordination, skills and fitness.
Seattle Public Schools is in its 9th year of implementing the Five for Life Physical Education Curriculum. We use this curriculum in our Physical Education classes at Eckstein. Our program incorporates traditional aspects of Physical Education (development of fitness, motor skills, and social/emotional well-being). Students will be continually encouraged to reflect on the value of their own health and fitness, as well as to act to maximize both in and out of class. The Physical Education Staff at Eckstein are excited about presenting this program to our students.
Universal Physical Education– formerly known as Physical Education Partner MPE4187
- Semester-Long or Year-Long. This is an alternate PE class to PE or Team Sports to fulfill their state requirement.
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Semester-long. Students may also choose Universal PE, a class that provides a modified physical education curriculum for students with and without disabilities. Principles taught in this class will follow the physical education core curriculum and enhance teaching and learning skills for students. Students with and without disabilities come together in an inclusive cooperative learning environment that is set up towards modified curriculum outcomes. Physical Education partners of differing skill ability come together as classmates.
Want to learn more about Universal PE?
Check out how inclusive PE teaches empathy, leadership, and fun
Teacher’s Assistant MUE9499
Use this course for Counseling Office, Attendance, Library, Main Office, OR for a specific teacher. Applications will be available for 2025-2026 in Spring of 2025.
- Semester-Long or Year-Long
- Grade: 8
- Prerequisite: Teacher/Office Assistant Interest Form (Copies In Main Office)
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Student assistants perform a valuable service within the schools in assisting teachers and administrative staff. They are also called ”TA’s” or teachers assistants. . Student needs to be able to work independently and self-manage. Students can “TA” for the attendance office, counseling office, main office, or for a specific teacher.
Theatre Beginning MFA8519
- Semester-Long or Year-Long
- Grade: 6, 7, 8
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Welcome to Theatre Beginning! This introductory course is designed for students interested in acting and performing as part of a supportive community through fun and creative activities. Public speaking, creative problem solving, and collaboration are explored through voice and movement exercises, improvisation, story structure, creating character, scene study, poetry, and playwriting. You will explore a range of perspectives and voices through scenes and scripts from various theatre traditions – past and present. No previous experience necessary. All students are welcome. This course may be repeated.
Important Note about French 1 & 2 & Hale: For students planning on attending Nathan Hale, please note that they are not offering French 1 and French 2. Students are able to fulfill their 2 year requirement for a world language for many colleges by taking French 1 and French 2 at Eckstein. For the University of Washington and other schools that want 3-4 years of language, Hale offers Spanish and Japanese.
French 1A + 1B HWL1273
- Year-Long
- Grade: 7, 8
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- This course is an introduction to the French language and French-speaking culture. The course will provide a rounded approach to the four key areas of world language study: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will participate in a range of activities to immerse themselves in the cultural context of the French language while gaining skills to communicate in the language. Students should expect to be actively engaged in their own language learning, become familiar with common vocabulary terms and phrases, comprehend a wide range of structures (grammar), participate in simple conversations and respond appropriately to basic conversational prompts while exploring the French-speaking world.
French 2A + 2B HWL3522
- Year-Long
- Grade: 8
- Prerequisite: French 1A+ 1B
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Prerequisite: French 1B. Learn how to live like a local in a French-speaking country. Carry on conversations about travel, leisure activities, and holidays. Read authentic texts and write about topics of personal interest. Explore different ways of life.
Spanish 1A + 1B HWL1279
- Year-Long
- Grade: 7, 8
- Prerequisite: None
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- This course undertakes the study of basic structures that allow students to express themselves in simple sentences. Cultural enrichment is offered to students through videos, current events, readings, photographs, and projects. This course not only aims to teach students to understand, speak, read, and write Spanish at a basic level, but also to interest them in the life and culture of Spanish-speaking people. Competency in Spanish is measured by the oral use of the language, written vocabulary/grammar exams, and projects.
Spanish 2A+ 2B HWL3560
- Year-Long
- Grade: 8
- Prerequisite: Spanish 1A + 1B
- Repeats Allowed: Yes
- Prerequisite: Spanish 1B. Increase and strengthen communication skills by giving opinions and engaging in social conversations. Read stories and write about familiar topics. Deepen understanding of customs and history of Spanish-speaking countries.
Elective List by Grade Level
Below, electives are listed based on grade level.
Watch these videos made by our elective teachers to learn more about our electives!
Remember you are choosing either 1 year long or 2 semester classes and this must include 1 semester of an Arts course (Course Names with “MFA.”
6th Grade Yearlong Electives
- Introductory Band MFA8509
- Premier Band MFA8513
- Intermediate Band MFA8436
- Concert Band MFA8407
- Jazz Band A MFA8511- Use for Intermediate Jazz
- Introductory Choir MFA8507
- Introductory Orchestra MFA8505
- Introductory Orchestra MFA8505
- Premier Orchestra MFA8515
- Intermediate Orchestra MFA8438
- Concert Orchestra MFA8411
- Guitar Lab 1 MFA8418
6th Grade Semester Electives
- Theater Beginning MFA8517
- Guitar Lab 1 MFA8418
- Visual Arts Beg MFA8519
- Ceramics Beginning MFA8403
- Student Government A MSS9579- Use for ‘Leadership A’
Remember you are only choosing enough elective to fill 2 periods and PE might take up one semester of space.
7th Grade Yearlong Electives
- French 1 HWL1273
- Spanish 1 HWL1279
- Introductory Band MFA8509
- Premier Band MFA8513
- Intermediate Band MFA8436
- Concert Band MFA8407
- Jazz Band A (Intermediate Jazz) MFA8511
- Jazz Band B (Senior Jazz) MFA8512
- Introductory Orchestra MFA8505
- Premier Orchestra MFA8515
- Intermediate Orchestra MFA8438
- Concert Orchestra MFA8411
- Introductory Choir MFA8507
- Intermediate Choir MFA8429
- Vocal Jazz MFA8521
- Guitar Lab 1 MFA8418
- Student Government B MSS9628
7th Grade Semester Electives
- Computer Sci Tech C MPC6423
- Computer Sci Tech D MPC6424
- STEM Innovation Lab A MPC5880
- STEM Innovation Lab B MPC5881
- Guitar Lab 1 MFA8418
- Visual Arts Beg MFA8519
- Ceramics Beginning MFA8403
- Visual Arts Adv MFA8520
- Ceramics Advanced MFA8404
- Student Government A MSS9579
- Student Government B MSS9628
- Theater Beginning MFA8517
Remember you are only choosing enough elective to fill 2 periods and PE or Geometry might take up some of this space.
8TH Grade Yearlong Electives
- French 1 HWL1273
- Spanish 1 HWL1279
- Introductory Band MFA8509
- Premier Band MFA8513
- Intermediate Band MFA8436
- Concert Band MFA8407
- Jazz Band A (Intermediate Jazz) MFA8511
- Jazz Band B (Senior Jazz) MFA8512
- Introductory Orchestra MFA8505
- Premier Orchestra MFA8515
- Intermediate Orchestra MFA8438
- Concert Orchestra MFA8411
- Introductory Choir MFA8507
- Intermediate Choir MFA8429
- Vocal Jazz MFA8521
- Guitar Lab 1 MFA8418
- Student Government B MSS9628
8TH Grade Semester Electives
- Computer Sci Tech C MPC6423
- Computer Sci Tech D MPC6424
- STEM Innovation Lab A MPC5880
- STEM Innovation Lab B MPC5881
- Guitar Lab 1 MFA8418
- Visual Arts Beg MFA8519
- Ceramics Beginning MFA8403
- Visual Arts Adv MFA8520
- Ceramics Advanced MFA8404
- Student Government A MSS9579- Use for ‘Leadership A’
- Teacher’s Assistant MUE9499
- Theater Beginning MFA8517