PE Waivers
PE Waivers at Eckstein
More information about PE waivers for 2025-2026 will be provided in Fall 2025. PE waivers for 2025-2026 will be due in early December 2025.
PE is a WA State Requirement: WA State Legislature mandates that students in grades 1-8 participate in at least 100 minutes of weekly PE classes (equivalent to 60 hours per 0.5 semester credit) unless they qualify for a waiver. Please note that SPS does not endorse PE Waivers (Reference: RCW 28A.230.040).
Valid Reasons for PE Waivers: Students may be excused from the PE requirement for the following reasons:
- Physical Disability (6, 7, 8 grades)
- Religious Belief (6, 7, 8 grades)
- Participation in Directed Athletics (7, 8 grades only)
PE Waiver Request Deadline: The deadline for submitting the PE Waiver Request Form is December 2, 2024.
How to Submit the Form: You can submit the form by emailing the completed PDF to Ms. Tai at or dropping off a hard copy in the Main Office. The form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian with required documentation attached.
Important Notes
- Please note that PE is mandated by the WA state legislature. Our obligation at Eckstein is to ensure that the PE requirement is met with fidelity and when PE is requested to be waived, that we have documentation to back up a waiver. This is why Eckstein requires documentation.
- Submitting a PE waiver request does not guarantee an exemption from PE, especially when students have room in their schedules for a PE class. Waivers may be denied.
- Many of our waivers from 7th and 8th graders waive PE with the “Directed Athletics” reason (#3). To choose this option, you must provide a verification letter from the coach confirming your student’s participation in directed athletics or detail the hours spent in the logs on the form. Screenshots of practice schedules are also acceptable supporting documentation—please include these with your waiver submission. Confirmation or receipts of sports registrations are also accepted as documentation.
- The total number of hours must equal or exceed 60 hours, and these hours must be accrued during the current school year. You can submit the form based on your intention of participation (with accompanying verification documentation), and adjustments can be made later if needed.
- Verification from a physician, religious leader, coach, instructor, or parent/guardian must be attached to the PE waiver request and submitted to Ms. Tai at or dropped off in Main Office by December 2, 2024.
- Missing the deadline or not submitting your PE waiver with the required documentation will result in your student being scheduled for PE during the second semester in place of another chosen elective.
Why is the PE waiver deadline so early?
In order to provide a full schedule and ensure that students have the correct electives and courses in place for semester 2, the registrar needs PE waivers and documentation with enough time to process requests and adjust schedules as needed.
What if my student has directed athletics in winter 2024 and spring 2025? How do I submit a verification of those activities when the form is due in December?
For winter athletics like basketball or skiing, you may provide practice schedule screenshots, registration confirmation for the season, and other documentation that confirms your student’s participation in winter and spring sports. Many directed athletics programs have registration well before the winter and spring season and these registration confirmations can serve as verification of participation. If your child is participating in spring 2025 Eckstein athletics like track and ultimate frisbee, please provide that intent in the PE waiver form and submit that verification once you have a confirmed registration for those Eckstein teams.
Can I opt out of PE as a 6th grader if my student is doing an outside sport?
Opting out for directed sports is typically are only considered for for 7th and 8th graders. 6th graders are required to have one semester of PE.
I’m confused about what PE is called in 7th and 8th grades. Can you explain the different PE courses at Eckstein?
PE is called Team Sports in 7th and 8th grades. It is called PE in 6th grade. Some students may be enrolled in PE Partners in some specific situations.
I submitted a form before this message came out. What do I do now?
Please resubmit your PE waiver. The waiver form on our website has been updated to reflect the current year, updated policy, and information for this school year. You may append any coach verification letters from your old form to the new form.
Who do I contact if I have questions about the form and other concerns about PE?
Please contact Ms. Tai by email at Email is the best way to communicate with the registrar.
Will I receive a confirmation that my form was received?
If your PE waiver form and required documentation are complete, you will not receive a confirmation email. You will only receive a follow up email if the registrar has follow up questions. Please check that all of your forms and documentation are complete prior to submission.
What if I applied for a waiver but I still see my student is scheduled for PE?
We cannot guarantee that a waiver will be granted. If your student has PE on their schedule even after you requested a waiver, this means that your student’s schedule was reviewed and adjustments could not be accommodated. Please know that every attempt will be made to honor your request. However, because our master schedule is complex and we have little wiggle room to make changes, your student may still be scheduled for PE to avoid overloads in our core classes and to meet the needs of all of our students.