Eckstein Middle School

Middle School

Spring Sports Information

Spring sports are on the horizon. Seattle Public Schools and Eckstein offer three sport options: co-ed track, girls volleyball and boys soccer. Track is a no-cut sport whereas soccer and volleyball are cut sports. As with the fall and winter sports there will now be three teams, a Varsity, JV, and JVC for both soccer and volleyball.

Submit Athletic Forms on Final Forms
Please use FinalForms for all athletic paperwork. WE WILL NOT COLLECT PAPER DOCUMENTS. Most important is having an updated athletic physical. Physicals last two years but if you turned it in last year, please notify athletic coordinator Derek Grandbois as soon as possible. All paperwork needs to be submitted by 4pm on March 14th for the first day of spring sports March 17th.
Learn how to upload forms to FinalForms:

Register or log into FinalForms here:

Coaches Needed
We need two coaches for boys’ soccer a JV, JVC coach.
We need one more coach for girls’ volleyball.

If you are able to coach or know someone in the community/family that is interested, please have them reach out to me at

Coach Frank is returning as our Head coach.

First day: March 19 @ 2:30 pm on the Track

Practices will be twice a week on Monday and Wednesday after school. Practices will run for approximately 90 minutes. Coaches will have more specific times. Track meets occur on Saturdays.
All abilities are welcome! Track is a no-cut sport. And you CAN participate in track even if you’re doing a non-SPS sport such as baseball.

We always need volunteers. Learn how to volunteer here:

Mondays – 3:45 pm
Wednesdays – 2:30 pm
Practices will run for approximately 90 minutes. 

Mr. Kenyon is coaching the varsity team.

Thursday, March 20 @ 4 – 5:30 pm
Tuesday, March 25 @ 4 – 5:30 pm
Students trying out for soccer should come to both days. Students will learn their teams through an email from their coaches.

Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 4-5:30 pm

We have a new coach this year Avree Lester. She coaches at Roosevelt with Coach Jana. We still need a JVC coach before deciding on practice times for JVC.

Tryouts are March 25, 26 & 27 in the gym 4-6:30 pm.

Varsity & JV – Mondays & Wednesdays @ 4 – 6 pm