Student-Led Conferences March 27, 2025

Student-Led Conferences March 27, 2025
During homerooms this past month, your student has begun preparing for Student-Led Conferences at Eckstein that will take place March 27, 2025. Eckstein has applied for a waiver day/no school day to allow time to host these conferences. Eckstein is committed to 100% participation from students and families to make this happen. Please tell us if your family may need support.
Student- Led Conferences are an opportunity for students to share their goals and progress. Parents/guardians will listen actively, ask questions, and comment on student work. Your student will be collecting artifacts of their work over the next months, setting goals for learning, and reflecting on progress. This will all culminate with your coming to school for a presentation by your student. Please note- this is not a Parent/Teacher conference you may be used to attending in elementary school. Student-Led is just that. The student decides what progress looks like to them and what goals and progress they are excited to share with you.
Closer to the conference date of March 27, 2025, your student’s homeroom teacher will reach out to you to set up a specific time. For now, please put this date on your calendar! Each conference is allotted 20-30 minutes, with multiple conferences being held at the same time. The homeroom teacher is the host, but the student runs the conference. Families will be presented with what your student has been learning and hear about progress on responsible scholar goals.