Eckstein Middle School

Middle School

Summer Reading Ideas from the Library

Reading Suggestions for the summer

Try the Seattle Public Library / Seattle Arts & Lectures Book Bingo! Pick up a copy of Book Bingo at any local library branch and students can bring in a copy or a photo of their completed book bingo to Ms. Sterling in September for an extra prize from Eckstein. Check out the Eckstein library website or following links for suggestions in all the different categories for teens. The lists Ms. Sterling made include:

24-25 Eagles Read list is live!

Ms. Sterling chooses 50 books every year to be on the Eagles Read List. These are books where students can earn prizes for books they read from the list and participate in a pizza party at the end of the year if they read at least 20. Check out the Eagles Read list on the library website and students can start reading right away this summer! Note: titles marked as Young Adult means there may be some content that is more mature. The idea behind the list is that there is a book for everyone.

Book cover images of the Eagles read 2024-25 list with a genre key. Please contact Librarian Erin Sterling for more information. Email:
Phone: 206-252-5078
Main Office: 206-252-5010
Library bingo card. Please contact Librarian Erin Sterling for more information. Email:
Phone: 206-252-5078
Main Office: 206-252-5010