Eckstein Middle School

Middle School


Attendance at Eckstein

Contact Attendance
Attendance Office: 206-252-5014

Eckstein Middle School Attendance Policy

Showing up for school has a huge impact on a student’s academic success. Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school every day and understand why attendance is so important for success in school and on the job.
Learn more about the importance of attendance.

You can use the Source to check your students’ attendance record. You can see all absences and lates that your student has accrued since the first day of school. We encourage you to check in with your student and review their attendance record together!

District Letter on State Compulsory School Attendance law
SPS Attendance Policy

Contacting Attendance:

Reporting an Absence

Phone: 206-252-5014

Parent/Guardian must contact attendance office by phone call, email or note with the following information:

  • Student name
  • Parent/Guardian name and phone number
  • Date of absence
  • Reason for absence

Students Absent From School – Planned

Vacations – Eckstein strives to preserve instructional time for our students and teachers. While a student can make up assignments, there is no substitute for the classroom experience. We encourage families to arrange vacations during scheduled school vacations and holidays. If a student must miss school for a vacation, parents must complete the “Pre-Planned Absence Form” and submit it to the Attendance Office.
Please have your student pick up a Pre-Planned Absence form from the Attendance Office.

It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with teachers prior to the trip to make arrangements for work. Very often teachers will refer the student to Schoology for the days’ work. Upon return, the student is responsible for submitting missing work in a timely way agreed to by the specific teacher.

Participating in Sports Tournament – Parent must notify school by email, note or phone prior to the absence.

Students Arriving to School Late

Students must check in at the attendance office first when they arrive late to school.  At the attendance office they will receive a pass to go to class.

Showing up to class everyday on time helps students on their path to success in middle school. Understanding the importance of good attendance will help them in high school, college and at work in the future.

To Excuse a Late Arrival:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 206-252-5014
  • Note with the following information:
    • Student’s name
    • Parent/Guardian’s name
    • Relationship to the student
    • Day and time you need your student released
    • Reason for the late

Why Tardiness Hurts Students

  • Late students disrupt the class
  • Student misses valuable class time
  • In high school & college being late can cause grade penalties
  • In the work force being late can cause termination

Tardy Policy
Tardy students must check in at the Attendance Office when they arrive to school.

A parent’s request to “excuse my child’s tardiness” without a stated valid reason or with a reason that does not meet the criteria for excused tardiness will result in the child’s tardy remaining unexcused.

Leaving School Early

When you need to take your student out of class before school is over please notify the attendance office by email, phone or written signed note Before the early dismissal.

Students leaving school early will receive an Early Dismissal. Students must check out in the Attendance office before exiting the school.

  • Email:
  • Phone: 206-252-5014
  • Note with the following information:
    • Student’s name
    • Parent/Guardian’s name
    • Relationship to the student
    • Day and time you need your student released
    • Reason for the dismissal


  • Attendance received email, phone call or note
  • Student gets an Early Dismissal slip during the period closest to the dismissal
  • Student comes to Attendance at the appropriate time and signs out.