Eckstein Middle School

Middle School
Student Life

Associated Student Body (ASB)

ASB – Associated Student Body

Join the ASB Schoology Course

All Eckstein students are encouraged to join the ASB Schoology Course

How to Join:

  1. Email Ms. Poort for the course code:
  2. In Schoology, click on COURSES at the top of the page.
  3. On the right-hand side of the page click MY COURSES.
  4. Click on JOIN A COURSE
  5. In the Pop-up box type in the code you received from Ms.Poort

Why Join?

  • Check out the latest Eagles News video
  • Submit pictures to be featured in Eagle News
  • Order Spirit Gear

Activity Cards

EMS Activity Cards (ASB cards) can be purchased for $10 online in The Source via

Your free student ID card, becomes an ASB card when you have the ASB sticker attached to your card.

To help fund our ASB activities this year. We have to pivot to online and will need funds for some tech, platforms, products, birthday beads, shipping supplies, plus games and activities.

  • To be able to play on an Eckstein athletic team, participate in the school play, be on the ASB, or perform in a music group
  • To get a discount on the price of activities like school dances, Talent Show, and Activity Night!
  • The ASB provides whole-school fun activities during lunches, pep assemblies, and homeroom with these funds. This gives us funding for those activities!

The purpose of the ASB at Eckstein Middle School is to represent a democratic decision-making process giving students voice and vote. The ASB is focused on supporting student activities through events that establish and continue traditions, encourage the Eagle spirit, promote student, staff, and community activities, and encourage a positive school culture.

ASB Members

Student representatives of the student body who make decisions on their behalf.

  • President (must be an 8th grader)
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Class Representatives
  • Advisor(Ms. Poort)

ASB Meetings

The ASB executive board meets every week during homeroom with Ms. Poort (the advisor) to go over plans, budgets, and prepare their work. They hold monthly classroom rep meetings to get information out to the homerooms.

ASB Elections

Elections are each spring for the new board.You can join the ASB by applying to be on the exec board, or you can run for classroom rep in your homeroom. You can work on ASB projects in the full year leadership class.

Leadership Class – Full Year

To get into the full year leadership class, you need to have taken Leadership 1, or you need to be an elected officer.

Activities that the Leadership 2 class put on:

  • Eagle Nights (dance/movie/game night)
  • Talent Show
  • March Madness basketball tournament
  • Spirit Week
  • Pep Assemblies
  • Serious assemblies
  • Fundraisers (sock drive, See’s candy sale), merchandise sales (sweats, bags, tees), lunchtime activities, and more!

Leadership Camp

In the summer, we send ASB officers and leadership students who are interested to a leadership camp put on by the Association of Secondary Principals. The camp is in August and is optional, but such a great way to learn new ideas for leadership at Eckstein!

Associated Student Body (ASB) Funds

Publication of Information

Required per RCW 28A.325.050

An Associated Student Body (ASB) is a formal organization of students, including sub-component or affiliated student groups, formed at each public school within Seattle Schools. The programs of the ASB are any optional, noncredit, extra-curricular activity conducted in whole or in part by or on behalf of an ASB, during or outside regular school hours, within or outside school grounds and facilities and conducted with the approval of the school district or under the official designee to whom authority has been delegated to act on behalf of an ASB or sub-component group. ASB programs and activities must be of a cultural, athletic, recreational or social nature benefitting the ASB.

Money generated or collected, including fundraising proceeds, in conjunction with ASB activities, is public money which must be deposited into the ASB Fund. ASB public money may only be used for optional, noncredit, extra-curricular events and activities of a cultural, athletic, recreational, or social nature.

Posting of the following reports ensures compliance with RCW 28A.325.050 (and ESHB1109). This information is not representative of a school’s full fiscal and/or athletic activity.

Questions regarding the posting of the ASB reports may be directed to:

Chris Johnson
ASB, Trust Analyst

Fund Balance Reports:

ASB Activity Card Data