Athletics at Eckstein Middle School
Athletic Registration
Eckstein Middle School is using FinalForms for all athletic forms and many extracurricular activity forms. You only need to create an account for your student once. This account will be available to your student for the remainder of their educational career with SPS. Learn more about FinalForms.
A parent must create their FinalForms account first before your student is able to create their account. We ask ALL parents/guardians of athletes to use FinalForms.
Already have an account? Log in to FinalForms:
In order to participate in Eckstein sports, FinalForms must be completed before tryouts.
Eckstein Middle school uses FinalForms, an online system, that boosts compliance and safety. FinalForms allows you to complete and sign forms from your computer, table, or mobile device.
FinalForms saves data from season-to-season and year-to-year, meaning you will never need to enter the same information twice! FinalForms also pre-populates information wherever possible, for each of your students, saving parents/guardians time if you have multiple children. It also saves us just under 10,000 sheets of paper as each packet is over 15 pages long and we have over 600 student athletes.
You may log in any time to update information including emergency medical contacts and information. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and anytime you make an update.
All students need a doctor-signed physical uploaded to FinalForms before they can participate in sports.
Physicals are valid for two years from the exam date. Check with Derek Grandbois at to see if your student has a current physical on file at Eckstein. Both Roosevelt and Nathan Hale High schools have a Teen Health Clinic that can provide sports physicals for our students.
Download a Athletic Physical to give to your student’s physician.
Weekly Grade Reports
Eckstein has decided to not require that grade check reports be turned in, though some coaches may still require it for specific teams. Administration will perform the grade checks via internal reports instead of requiring this step to take place.
Students are expected to maintain a 2.0 GPA with no more than 1 failing grade in order to be eligible to play in the game each week.
Please email the Athletic Coordinator for more information at
Fall Sports (Sept-Nov)
Winter Sports (Dec-Mar)
Boys and Girls Basketball Tryouts are listed within the Boys and Girls Basketball tabs.
We’re all excited for another great year of basketball at Eckstein!
Expect tryouts the week of December 9th – 13th
Practices will start the following week.
Games will be played on Saturday. The schedules are created downtown by the athletic office. Eckstein will communicate as quickly as possible but understand there will be last minute changes.
- There will be three teams per program this year: Varsity, JV and JVC for boys and girls.
- There will be cuts to create teams. Unfortunately, there is not a guaranteed spot on the team if your athlete played last year.
- The girls’ and boys’ teams will have a mix of all grade levels. Exception, there will be no 8th graders placed on JVC.
- All paperwork and physicals must be completed and uploaded to FinalForms by December 6th at four o’clock to participate at tryouts on December 10th.
- If you need support for a physical contact Erica Davenport our Social Worker:
- There will be no late tryouts.
- Head coaches have final decision of who makes the Eckstein team.
- Players will be informed of which team or if they were cut through email.
- It is expected that student-athletes will maintain 2.0 GPA with no more than 1 failing grade, coaches may have higher expectations for eligibility and play. Additionally, student-athletes need to be on-time and fully participate in all classes. Failure to adhere to classroom standards can lead to game or team suspension.
- It is expected that student-athletes will make Eckstein Basketball a priority over all other outside extra-curricular activities. If you have a conflict
Spring Sports (Mar-Jun)
Spring sports are on the horizon. Seattle Public Schools and Eckstein offer three sport options: co-ed track, girls volleyball and boys soccer. Track is a no-cut sport whereas soccer and volleyball are cut sports. As with the fall and winter sports there will now be three teams, a Varsity, JV, and JVC for both soccer and volleyball.
Submit Athletic Forms on Final Forms
Please use FinalForms for all athletic paperwork. We will not collect paper documents. Most important is having an updated athletic physical. Physicals last two years but if you turned it in last year, please notify athletic coordinator Derek Grandbois as soon as possible. All paperwork needs to be submitted by 4pm on March 14th for the first day of spring sports March 17th.
Learn how to upload forms to FinalForms
Register or log into FinalForms
Coaches Needed
We need two coaches for boys’ soccer a JV, JVC coach.
We need one more coach for girls’ volleyball.
If you are able to coach or know someone in the community/family that is interested, please have them reach out to me at
Boys Soccer
We need two coaches for boys’ soccer a JV, JVC coach. If you are able to coach or know someone in the community/family that is interested, please have them reach out to me at
March 20 & 25
4-5:30 pm– On the field
Bring water bottle, cleats, and shin guards
All paperwork is due by 4 pm on March 14th. Late paperwork, in most cases, will not be accepted. Paperwork must be submitted online through FinalForms. Contact Mr. Grandbois if you need support. There are 3 teams, Varsity, JV and JVC.
Begin March 27 on the field after school
Tuesdays & Thursdays – 4 – 5:30 pm
Girls Volleyball
We have a new coach this year Avree Lester. She coaches at Roosevelt with Coach Jana
Hello athletes and families! My name is Avree Lester and I am super excited to be running Eckstein’s volleyball program this season! I coached with Janna at Roosevelt this past fall (and also had Janna as a coach when I was in high school!!) and am looking forward to a wonderful middle school season this spring.
Tryouts are March 25, 26 & 27 in the gym 4-6:30 pm.
Students will learn their teams through an email from their coaches.
Varsity and JV – Mondays and Wednesdays @ 4-6 pm.
Coed Track
Head Coach: Frank Field
Do not miss the first Track Family Meeting and Cookie Swap! Monday 3/24 at 7pm in the cafeteria (enter by the east doors). Bring cookies to share (not required to bring if you can’t, but we count on enough people doing it so all 200 kids get a treat, and store bought is FINE!). Meet the coaches, find out about the schedule, see a short video, and get inspired! Did we mention cookies? Still want to join? Register and Sign all Final Forms here.
Lace up, take flight, Soar Eagles!
All abilities are welcome! Track is a no-cut sport. And you CAN participate in track even if you’re doing a non-SPS sport such as baseball. We always need volunteers. Learn how to volunteer here: We always need volunteers. Learn how to volunteer
First day: March 19 @ 2:30 pm on the Track
Mondays – 3:45 pm
Wednesdays – 2:30 pm
Practices will run for approximately 90 minutes.
Track meets occur on Saturdays.
- It is expected that student-athletes will maintain 2.0 GPA with no more than 1 failing grade, coaches may have higher expectations for eligibility and play. Additionally, student-athletes need to be on-time and fully participate in all classes. Failure to adhere to classroom standards can lead to game or team suspension.
- It is expected that student-athletes will make the Eckstein sports team a priority over all other outside extra-curricular activities.
- Playing time is at the discretion of the coaches. Please do not approach the bench.
If you need support getting a sports physical or completing paperwork on FinalForms, contact Erica Davenport Email: or Phone: 206-252-5010.
SPS Athletics
We are using FinalForms for online athletic registration. If you previously had an account, you can log in and all your info will still be there!
If you have not created an account, please follow the instructions below. A parent/guardian must create their FinalForms account first, before the student is able to create their account.
Seasons 2024-25
Start dates for each season in the 2024-25 school year. Contact your school to confirm when practices begin for your team.
High School
Football – August 21
Fall Sports – August 26
Bowling – November 4
Gymnastics – November 11
Winter Sports – November 13
March 3
K-8 and Middle School
September 10
December 10
March 18-20
SPS home games (matches played at SPS high schools) can be purchased online via SPS HomeTown Ticketing Box Office.
This includes all regular season games for football and basketball. It also includes post-season games for volleyball, basketball, wrestling, gymnastics, baseball, soccer, softball (slowpitch and fastpitch), and track/field. Learn more about SPS Digital Athletic tickets.
Please note: tickets are posted under the HOST school (For example, West Seattle High School hosting Garfield High School would appear under West Seattle.)