Eckstein Middle School

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Graphic of spring sports includes a soccer ball, volleyball, and person running in track and field

Spring Sports Information

Spring sports are on the horizon. Seattle Public Schools and Eckstein offer three sport options: co-ed track, girls volleyball and boys soccer. Track is a no-cut sport whereas soccer and volleyball are cut sports. As with the fall and winter sports there will now be three teams, a Varsity, JV, and JVC…
Graphic of an orchestra or choir conductor

Upcoming Music Concerts @ EMS

March 6 – Concert Band Festival (7:30 p.m.)March 13 – Orchestra Concert (7 p.m.)March 20 – Jazz Band Festival (7:30 p.m.)March 29: Band Solo & Ensembles & Orchestra Day…
Graphic of two theater masks – one is smiling and one is frowning

Eckstein Musical Rehearsal Information

Here is your rehearsal call for this week (all in the Auditorium, unless noted): MONDAY, MARCH 10: 3:55 – 5:30 — FULL COMPANY CALLED except ADAM, ORLANDO, ROSALIND, CELIA, TOUCHSTONE, DUKE FREDERICK. We will review music and staging for “In Arden” and set staging for “Under the Greenwood Tree” TUESDAY,…
Graphic of a paper form

Student-Led Conferences March 27, 2025

Student-Led Conferences March 27, 2025 During homerooms this past month, your student has begun preparing for Student-Led Conferences at Eckstein that will take place March 27, 2025. Eckstein has applied for a waiver day/no school day to allow time to host these conferences. Eckstein is committed to 100% participation from students and families to make…
Graphic of a student sitting at a desk and taking a test

Attendance Matters!

Showing up for school has a huge impact on a student’s academic success. Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school every day and understand why attendance is so important for success in school and on the job.
Graphic of a laptop and online form

25-26 Elective Requests for Current 6th and 7th Graders Due Feb. 14

Your rising 7th or 8th grade student is now able to request electives for next school year! Every student’s parent/guardian has received an email about the process and other important reminders. Please have your student access the form to request electives The Form is Titled: 2025-2026 Eckstein Elective Registration –…
Inclement weather

Important: 2024-25 Inclement Weather Plan

Important: 2024-25 Inclement Weather Plan Snow days will now be remote school days Remote Snow Day: Thursday, February 6, 2025 Due to snow and hazardous road conditions, all Seattle Public Schools will be in remote instruction today. Buildings will be closed, and there will be no in-person instruction.  Remote instruction…

Biker Donut Day – December 19 @ 8:15 am

Our holiday biker donut day is Thursday, December 19 from 8:15-8:45 am in the bike cage. Be there for tricks and treats. Be safe around cars and on the streets.
Spirit week image banner

Spirit Week! Dec. 16-20

Spirit Week! Dec. 16-20 Monday – Jersey Day Tuesday – Ski or Surf Day Wednesday – Student/Teacher Swap Day Thursday – Ugly Sweater Day Friday – Rhyme without Reason Day (ex. Reader/Cheerleader)…
Graphic of a basketball and hoop

Basketball Tryouts – Week of Dec. 9, 2024

Basketball Tryouts – Week of Dec. 9, 2024 We’re all excited for another great year of basketball at Eckstein! Girls Coaches: Errol Knight, Dori Bennett, Max RoseBoys Coach: Jean-Masse Buchanan, We are still in need of basketball coaches for both programs. Please reach out to the Athletic Coordinator, Derek Grandbois…