Eckstein Middle School

Middle School

Staff Directory

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Jennifer Paris

Paris, Jennifer

Teacher-Special Education-XG

Phothivongsa, Phaythoon

Assistant Custodian G-Shift 2
Joia Poort

Poort, Joia

Teacher-Middle School


I graduated in '98 from the University of Washington with a degree in Speech Communication (heavy emphasis on education and almost a double major in French). I earned my Masters in Teaching at City University in '99.
I taught in the LWSD for 12 years in two junior highs. 7 & 8th LA & SS, high school level French 1-3, Dance, PE, and Speech/public speaking.
I've worked at Eckstein since the fall of 2011 and have taught LA & SS in 6th and 8, as well as leadership. I've been the BLT chair and was a Career Ladder Teacher for several years. I'm currently the ASB advisor.
I live in this community and love it here!

Samuel Riedeman

Riedeman, Samuel

Teacher-Middle School

Rody, Lynn

Teacher-Middle School
Kristin Rose

Rose, Kristin


Principal, Kristin Rose

Welcome to Eckstein Middle School!

Vision for Eckstein Middle School

At Eckstein, we have defined three components to achieve our school’s vision: Eckstein Middle School, a diverse community of lifelong learners, will ensure the academic, social, and emotional growth and success of each student. Individual Differentiation: We work actively to differentiate our teaching practices through professional development that includes peer learning walks, expert presenters, collaborative all staff half-days and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Our learning community is diverse and has unique interests and backgrounds. We seek to engage each and every one of our learners through interesting learning activities that create critical thinking opportunities. Our increased staff training and student use of technology increases engagement and differentiates content. Eckstein is also the Seattle School District concept test site for Office 2016 in classrooms.

Building Cultural and Social/Emotional Competencies:

Our students are part of a rich and diverse global community. To be effective leaders and decision makers in the greater global community, we must understand, appreciate and value the stories, backgrounds and diverse views within our community. Eckstein staff actively works to integrate experiences, multicultural perspectives and curriculum into the classroom, as well as exploring concepts like empathy within historical and current events. With this goal in mind, I am working closely with the Eckstein PTSA to bring speakers and performers to school to address topics such as Human Rights, African American History and Understanding Islamic Culture. Over a three year cycle, students at Eckstein will be exposed to a broad tapestry of cultural and historical perspectives.

Engaging with Students and Families in Meaningful Ways:

Middle School is often the time that students start to naturally ‘disconnect’ from adults, but we know that students still need us – all of us. This year, Eckstein expanded a series of very successful programs to connect with students, especially those who may need extra support at school. These include a teacher mentoring program, 6th grade Power Club, LGBTQ+ group, WEB ‘Where Everyone Belongs’ a peer mentoring program) and one-on-one tutoring. As a focus of our professional development, we seek to connect with students and work to implement restorative justice policies, simple strategies (such as 5 to 1: 5 positive to 1 negative). In the upcoming year, we will explore ways to connect our work more meaningfully with families. We are so appreciative of the many parents and guardians who volunteer as hall monitors, garden helpers, recycling volunteers, field trip chaperones and more. Next year we plan to schedule even more family-friendly activities like our first-ever Family Bingo Night, which was a huge success! I hope families will come to PTSA meetings and be a part of this conversation and the work required to make it happen. It is exciting!

Rothwell, Martin

Rothwell, Martin

Teacher Middle School Science
Kathryn Ryan

Ryan, Kathryn

Attendance Specialist
Elizabeth Savage

Savage, Elizabeth

Special Education Teacher-Access Program


,Personal Message

Travis Sims

Sims, Travis

Teacher-Middle School - Math
Sjogren, Shari

Sjogren, Shari

Teacher-Special Education-XG
Erin Sterling

Sterling, Erin

Stern, Haley

Stern, Haley

Middle School Teacher - French
Jessica Tai

Tai, Jessica

Torrie, Rachel

Torrie, Rachel

Teacher Middle School - Spanish
Dina Vesmanova

Vesmanova, Dina

Middle School Teacher - Special Education
Jeffrey Westmoreland

Westmoreland, Jeffrey

Teacher-Middle School - Science


7th and 8th Grade Science

Michael Weyers

Weyers, Michael

Eighth Grade Assistant Principal
Eric Wiesenhutter

Wiesenhutter, Eric

Middle School Teacher - Physical Education
Reema Ziadeh

Ziadeh, Reema

6th Grade Counselor, 6th Grade 504 Building Coordinator